4.3 EMBODIED CO2E COMPARISONThis section highlights the differences between the potential embodied CO2e of the vehicles considered in this study. A distinction between contributing components or groups of components can be seen in the charts below. “Best case” scenarios have not been presented in this section.
4.3.1 Base case scenario 2012Figure 4-6 shows the embodied CO2e impacts for each vehicle type considered in Base Case 2012.
The BEV has the largest embodied CO2e impacts for Base Case 2012. The battery pack contributes about 50% of these impacts, the glider another 38% with the rest of the impacts distributed across the electric motor, power electronics and other components.
The HEV and PHEV are similar in terms of embodied CO2e impacts with gliders accounting for about 55-60% of the impacts. The battery pack for the PHEV is larger than that of the HEV and so accounts for more embodied impacts. The engine & gear box, power electronics, electric motor, lead acid battery, battery pack and other components have similar contributions to embodied CO2e impacts.
The ICEV has the lowest embodied impacts for this scenario. The glider dominates the contribution with 72% of the impacts, the engine & gear box contribute 14% of embodied impacts, “other components” account for 13% of impacts while the lead acid battery contributes about 1%.