aryan skrev:
Fast kapaciteten kan lätt ökas med längre (tråd)bussar –dubbla ledbussar– med fler passagerarplatser, fler in och utgånger, tätare trafik. Enligt ... erformance så är 60.000 pass/dag "ingenting" för en stambusslinje
Fast det är väl med dedikerade linjer och det som följer med ett BRT system:
To be considered BRT, buses should operate for a significant part of their journey within a fully dedicated right of way (busway), in order to avoid traffic congestion. In addition, a true BRT system will have most of the following elements:
alignment in the center of the road (to avoid typical curb-side delays)
Stations with off-board fare collection (to reduce boarding and alighting delay related to paying the driver)
Station platforms level with the bus floor (to reduce boarding and alighting delay caused by steps)
Bus priority at intersections (to avoid intersection signal delay)
Jag antar att 4:ans linje inte är ett regelrätt BRT system i dagsläget och då blir det förstås extrakostnader även i trådbussfallet, förutom trådarna. Men även om det kanske inte "lätt kan ökas" så blir det enligt alla källor ändå en hel del billigare så man kan tycka att det borde vara ett alternativ. Men, politiker verkar gilla tåg: ... trams.htmlCitat:
Unfortunately, El Trole has become a victim of its own success. The Ecuadorian government now plans to convert (the larger part of) the main line to a much more expensive light rail line (TRAQ, pdf, in Spanish), arguing that the network is saturated. A protest group consisting of citizens and traffic engineers ("Quito para todos") opposes the 500 - 750 million dollar plan and demands that the money is used to extend of the trolleyline instead:
"The same investment required to build the 20 to 30 km of light rail would build 250 km of exclusive lanes for trolleybuses including vehicles, stations and terminals. Quito's system of rapid urban mass transport would be complete, providing efficient service, with money left over for construction of bikeways throughout the city, for recovery and integration of public spaces, widening of sidewalks, planting trees and providing urban furniture, building walkways between bus stops and passenger destinations, and other projects to complement the system, in such a way to be able to have a city with an optimal public transport service, placing us in the lead among cities with the best public transport in the world."
Speciellt "with money left over for construction of bikeways throughout the city" kan man kanske tycka borde vara extra viktigt.