... very-futu/Lagring:
Currently, there are only two Supercharger stations that have batteries (to store solar energy, we assume), the ones in Lebec and Barstow. The plan is to install batteries at all Superchargers, though, as well as make them all solar-powered. "The vision is absolutely solar-powered," Ra tells AutoblogGreen. "Not all will be in the immediate future, but that is the plan."
Här borde Tesla få användning för uttjänta batterier kan man tycka.
Angående kompatibilitet så kommer alla framtida Tesla modeller att vara kompatibla. Oavsett batteristorlek får man anta. Om det då beror på bättre teknologi eller att man helt enkelt skippar mindre (minst 60 kWh) batteripack för nästa generation återstår väl att se. Samt om andra märken kommer att gå att ladda i framtiden. Man kan väl tänka sig att de med Tesla teknologi kan vara intressanta, även om dagens modeller, ex Toyota Rav4 EV, inte är anpassade för långkörningar.
Right now, the Superchargers can only charge up a Model S, despite the fact that these stations will be built at the perfect locations to offer Level 2 or DC fast charge options for other plug-in vehicles as well. Tesla spokesperson Christina Ra tells AutoblogGreen that non-Tesla options do not exist today, but they are "being considered, as always." That said, Ra confirmed that every future Tesla vehicle will be Supercharger compatible. So, Model X and next-gen Roadster drivers, don't worry.