Welcome to a seminar about the future of the Lithium Ion battery with its inventor Dr. Akira Yoshino, Asahi Kasei Corp. The Lithium Ion batteries have strongly contributed to the rapid development and market introduction of mobile telephony, laptops etc. Is it now time for large scale introduction of this battery into the transport sector?
Stockholm (IVA) March 7,18.00-
http://www.swejap.a.se/Documents/201301 ... ilagor.pdfGothenburg (Chalmers) March 8, 10.00-
http://www.swejap.a.se/Documents/Semina ... 0308-D.pdfThe seminar is free of charge. You are welcome to forward the invitation to those who have - or should have - a strong interest in the future of the Lithium battery.
Sweden-Japan Foundation
Chalmers University of Technology
Asahi Kasei Corp
Japan Chemical society
Embassy of Japan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science